Together we can make a difference for our community and for Irvine!

City of Irvine Planned Policies

  • Citywide solar and battery storage program

  • School Funding

  • Preserve the Master Plan/Affordable Housing

  • Great Park Framework Plan

Michelle’s Policy Plans for the City

Implement a meaningful citywide solar and battery storage program

 The City currently partners with a nonprofit to offer solar products to residents, with approximately 600 homes participating in the program. I would like to expand this effort with an emphasis on homes built prior to when the State mandate for solar was enacted (January 1, 2020), and include battery storage as part of a package solution for residents. These actions are measurable and impactful in terms of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in Irvine. To help pay for this effort, I propose we exit from the Orange County Power Authority (OCPA) which has cost the City and its residents tens of millions of dollars and has not delivered on its promises of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering green renewable energy at a cheaper cost to Irvine residents and businesses. A new citywide solar and battery storage program would allow us to be good stewards of our planet and address climate change at the local level.

Ensure our schools and police are adequately funded to support our Quality of Life

My extended family includes eight career teachers and a police officer. The continued success of our schools and police is critical to our community. District 1 is served by both Irvine Unified School District and Tustin Unified School District with approximately 15% of District 1 students attending TUSD schools. I will work to increase the support for both IUSD and TUSD schools in District 1 by ensuring our schools and students receive the appropriate share of the $10.8 million in direct and indirect funds that is allocated in the City budget.

We are home to one of the finest municipal police departments in the country. I will ensure our police are supported, that we pay down our pension liabilities, our public safety standards remain high, and our communities remain the safest in the country.

Preserve the City’s Master Plan while addressing affordable homeownership through transit-oriented solutions

For over 50 years, our City has been guided by a thoughtful Master Plan balancing development and preservation of open space, parks, and trails. Today, our Master Plan has produced one of America’s greatest cities that provides residents with a high quality of life. Working with the Master Plan, I will find ways to implement sensible solutions to provide more affordable homeownership in Irvine with an emphasis on our veterans, teachers, police, firefighters, and seniors. Across the United States, there has been great innovation in transit-oriented housing and Irvine should take advantage of areas where we can expand transit-oriented housing to meet the needs of our growing community.

 Support the Great Park Framework Plan to deliver for all residents

I will continue the momentum of building out the Great Park and realizing that vision for all Great Park homeowners and residents of Irvine. I support moving forward with our planned amenities, including the development of retail and related services, a community-focused amphitheater, the Veterans Memorial Park and Gardens, the Flying Leathernecks Museum, a new library, and the creation of a variety of gathering spaces for the community to enjoy for decades to come.