Making measurable differences in the quality of life

Michelle’s Policy Plans for District 1

Ensure appropriate oversight of the build-out of District 1 communities and Establish a new Community Center for District 1

Within the next few years over 1300 new homes will be developed in District 1. This will have a significant impact on our residents through our schools, our roads, and our quality of life. As these projects move through the required city planning process, I will ensure our schools and our school transportation system are equipped for the influx of new students, and that our residents continue to receive the services they need as our community grows.

I am working with City management to identify several potential sites to establish the first Community Center for our residents – a central gathering space where community meetings, city presentations and outreach, and public or private celebrations can be held.

Cleanup the Gateway Preserve/former asphalt plant site and protect our open space

With the closure of the asphalt plant in November 2023 and impending escrow closure of the site in August 2024, we have a unique opportunity to expand our open space through the creation of a new “Gateway Preserve”, consisting of 700 acres of natural open space, including daily accessibility to 9-10 miles of new hiking and biking trails. I am working with City officials as well as identifying available Environmental Protection Agency grants that will fund necessary clean up within the site. These grants are readily available to provide federal funds and resources necessary to prepare the site for our community’s use and enjoyment.

Support the City’s Urban Forest Master Plan and bring more trees to District 1

The city’s revitalized Urban Forest Master Plan provides a wonderful opportunity for the City to plant more trees in our own communities. With City support, we can revitalize various areas and plant trees along the Hicks Canyon pathway, in our school areas and parks and even in the neighborhoods where we reside. A larger number of trees in our District will increase our property values and improve our quality of life. I will be a strong advocate for District 1 in the city’s Urban Forest Master Plan.

Develop and implement a Wildfire Management and Evacuation Plan

 Many residents in our District, including my family, were evacuated in 2017 and 2020 due to wildfires. Our community requires a robust and updated Wildfire Management and Evacuation Plan that is clearly communicated to all residents. To address our risks, it is essential that we have a defensible space agreement with Irvine Ranch Conservancy that clearly defines mitigation efforts within our open space areas. In addition, I will engage with our state and local insurance experts on behalf of our residents who are struggling to obtain homeowner’s insurance at reasonable costs.